Tehachapi Composite Squadron 46
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Join Tehachapi Squadron

Interested In Joining Our Civil Air Patrol Team?

Contact the Squadron Commander
Capt. Andrew Wellner
(661) 699-6077 


Membership Options: The categories of membership include Active Senior Member, Cadet, Aerospace Education Member and Cadet Sponsor. Qualifications for all are listed below.

Cadet Membership: CAP cadet membership is open to young people 12 years through 18 years old. A cadet can remain in the program until age 21. Our squadron accepts new cadet members year-round. The cadet will receive training and mentorship along the way. The cadet program provides opportunities to develop leadership skills using the member's interest in aviation. Cadets progress through a 16-step program of aviation and aerospace activities at the local, regional and national levels. CAP national activities focus on a variety of aviation, aerospace, search and rescue, and pararescue courses. CAP cadets can compete for scholarships to help further their education. CAP is proud to report that 10 percent of Air Force Academy appointees are former CAP cadets. In addition, both West Point and Annapolis admit many CAP cadets each year.

Starting the process of joining the Civil Air Patrol as a Cadet: The cadet attends three meetings at our squadron.  They don't have to be back-to-back meetings.  We meet every Tuesday from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. On or after the third meeting, if we're a good fit for you, we have some paperwork for you to fill out to join. There is an annual membership fee.

The CAP Cadet Program is a year-round program where Cadets fly, learn to lead, hike, camp, get in shape, and push themselves to new limits. If you’re dreaming about a career in aviation, space, or the military, CAP’s Cadet Program is for you. 

Senior Membership: CAP senior membership is open to adults 18 years old or older. Adult membership provides opportunities to serve in many ways:

  • Participate in search and rescue
  • Assist federal agencies when disaster strikes
  • Work with youth through cadet programs
  • Support CAP's communications network—the most extensive in the nation
  • Assist federal agencies in the war on drugs

To prepare CAP adult members for CAP's special missions, extensive training and education in more than 20 different fields are provided. Technical training is offered to members in related areas, such as flight operations, emergency services, and communications. Additional training in management and executive leadership is available as a member progresses.  

Joining the Civil Air Patrol as an adult over 21 years old starts with you (a potential member) attending three meetings at our squadron.  They don't have to be back-to-back meetings.  We meet every Tuesday from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. Contact 1Lt Del Portillo for more information. If we're a good fit for you, we have some paperwork for you to fill out.  We do an interview and take fingerprints. There is an annual membership fee.

Active Senior Member: A member, who regularly attends meetings, performs a specific duty assignment (see specialty tracks), meets training requirements, and participates in the activities of their unit. An active member may wear the CAP uniform and compete for grade advancement. 

Cadet Sponsor Member: Cadet Sponsor is a special membership category that allows parents, grandparents, and legal guardians to participate with their cadets. Cadet sponsors serve as chaperons, provide transportation, and supervise cadets during squadron activities. Cadet sponsors are offered discounted membership dues and have a limited volunteer commitment. 

Aerospace Education Member: Aerospace education (AE) membership is a special category of membership for members of the educational community and any reputable individual or organization that has a desire to promote the objectives and purposes of CAP, but who do not desire to participate in the active membership program. There are two subcategories of Aerospace Education membership: Student Aerospace Education Members (AEMs) and Organization Aerospace Education members. Organizational membership is open to any company, school system, or other organization that wishes to support the CAP aerospace education program. Individuals associated with the organization do not have any of the individual rights of membership. Student AEM membership is available for college students majoring in education or an aerospace-related field of study. Individuals may only continue in this subcategory until they receive their undergraduate degree. CAP AEMs receive more than 33 free educational products for grades K through 12. AEMs are also provided additional materials such as lesson plans, teaching strategies and techniques, and a newsletter. CAP sponsors the National Conference on Aviation and Space Education (NCASE), an annual gathering of educators dedicated to furthering aerospace education. Recognized as the premier educational symposium of its kind in the nation, NCASE is held in a different part of the country each year. Aerospace Education members will receive a CAP ID card, Civil Air Patrol News, and are authorized military airlift (if available) for approved aerospace education projects and activities when official CAP transportation authorizations are provided.

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