Tehachapi Composite Squadron 46
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What to Expect

So it's your first Civil Air Patrol meeting.

You probably have some questions. What should you expect? What should I wear the first time? Are there a lot of people per squadron? Will I be the only newbie there? How long is it? Do they talk the whole time?

A lot depends on if you are visiting as a student or adult member.  Students are considered "Cadets" and adults are called "Senior" members. 

First, dress neatly, but not formally. Wear normal clothing like you would to a casual meeting or to school with no extremes. This will be the squadron's first chance to get an impression of you . Make it good without being splashy.  Our members will usually wear one of our CAP uniforms.

You might be the only newbie there but maybe not. Our virtual meetings run abut one hour in length. In person meetings are usually two and a half hours in length, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all meetings are virtual for the time being until we have approval for limited in person meetings. Some meetings talk a lot.  Others spend time listening to classes, learning new techniques, and discussing ways to better do our jobs. 

Expect to have to prove your prior qualifications, but we will train you in most areas to get you qualified for what needs to be done. You will find your service in CAP one of the most rewarding things you can do if you pitch in with a good attitude. Pilots say "your attitude determines your altitude" and that holds true in all of life. If you want to get up in the world, a good attitude is essential.

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